Monday 8 June 2009

In Laws and the Art of Sponging

Alex's family are quite a tight knit bunch, so whenever there is a birthday everybody decends on mass on that person, so when Oscar's birthday came round, so did nanny and grandad.

Actually, they didn't come over for Willow's birthday as they where both in Spain, and Alex's brother didn't come over as my sister in law was about to give birth. Conversely Ben & Sarah didn't come over for Oscar's birthday as she's just given birth!

Anyway, nanny and grandad came over and did the dutiful grandparent bit at the weekend, skillfully managing to arrive at the end of the party, just as the tidying up had drawn to a close.

Now, food is also a big thing in the life of Alex's family, and a celebration gathering is all very important. Unfortunately, in our current financial situation, Alex's mum discovered that our cupboards were bare, so instead of taking us out for a meal, decided to take me to Tesco.

I can't say that I was annoyed, because to be perfectly honest I was immensely grateful, but there is something intensely weird about your mother in law taking you shopping for groceries.

Without my knowledge, she had rifled throught the cupboards and written a long list of everything we hadn't got (and she thought we should have) and off we went.

It was a very surreal time following her round as she told me what we needed and filled the trolley for me. Every now and then she would ask 'do you need such and such?' to which I would reply 'yes?' not sure if she would then chastise me for being too grabbing.

To be totally honest, what I really wanted to do was slap her and tell her not to be so nosy, and that I was an adult now and could look after my own family, and I didn't need her doing it for me. I didn't want to accept her charity. I want to be able to fend for myself, I should be able to, I am old enough now. But I didn't. Lets face it, I would have been very stupid to do so. So I chewed the inside of my cheek, and smiled meekly and thanked her profusely. I have to put other people first over my own misplaced need to be independant. I have children to feed, but having to ask someone else is it ok if you buy my children some yoghurts, at the age of 37 is more than a bit galling.

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