Monday, 22 September 2008

Pay Day Yay Day

Hurrah! We got paid! To celebrate I went to Waitrose and bought some stuff to make Fishy Pie for tea (one of Willow's Favourites.) I had some salmon in the freezer, and potatoes from the farmers market, but needed cheese and some more milk. Was going to get some smoked mackerel to put in it from the deli counter, (the deli counter is always cheaper than pre-packed) but while I was looking I found some exceptionally cheap rainbow trout fillets, £1.05 for two big fillets, so I snapped them up. A very tasty fishy pie it made too.

Alex withdrew his £200 for the month today, then had to give me £40 which he borrowed from my work on Saturday. (He can claim that back from work but it will be a while) Then he had to give me another £10 he owed me from my sponsored walk ages ago, and then £5 for Willow he sponsored her last week for her school fundraiser. So by the time he's filled up the car with deisel tomorrow, there won't be much left.

I have yet to work out how much I have got for the month. I'm feigning busyness. If I stick my head under the sand, it doesn't actually happen, and we aren't skint.

Oh, I forgot. Yesturday I went to Sainsburies and bought an organic melon for 40p, Organic flat mushrooms for 30p and a punnet of organic nectarines for 25p. I am getting a nose for this bargain hunting lark!


MC Researcher said...

Hi Nichola,
Great to see you're blogging away!
Rachel may be in touch with some question for you to answer and we will see you on Monday at 10am.
Remember to leave your weekly shop until then if possible so that we can go together. If you often do internet shopping then we can do this instead.
See you then!

Nichola Pitt said...

Yay I love internet shopping. Cup of tea, biscuits, no trolley rage!